Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Indoor Garden

This Christmas I was given an indoor garden. We have a metal shelf unit, and 2 flourescent lights. We have a variety of herbs, spinach, lettuce, peas and tomatoes (grape, I think). It's so nice to have the herbs right there, just steps from the kitchen. Everything tastes so much better. So far, we have only had one pea pod, but it was so fun watching it grow that it has definitely been worth it. The tomatoe plant is just covered in flowers so, hopefully we get some fruit soon. I chose those veggies because I found organic, heritage varieties that grow well in pots, indoors. It's nice to have a little bit of summer when the weather is so crappy out.


I have wanted to start blogging for a while. I just couldn't decide what my focus would be. What is there about my life that people would like to read about? I know that challenge blogs go over well, but I don't really do things that way. So, I've decided just to simply write about myself.

I have been trying to live a simple life for a while. To me this means that I don't have fancy things, I try to make as much of my own food as possible, I try to have very little impact on the earth and I try to enjoy the little things in life.

So, please follow me on my simple adventure and maybe you will learn a thing or two.